First Aid Quiz
BY: Waliulahi Oladeji
This quiz will test your knowledge on first aid. You can check the article below before attempting the quiz.
1. The following are contents found in first aid kit except A. Cotton wool B. Methylated spirit C. Plaster D. None of the Above
2. A boy has been poisoned from drinking kerosene, what should be your next line of action? A. Have him drink a lot of palm oil B. Rush him to the nearest hospital or call for medical help C. Perform CPR
3. An accident occurred in your presence and a victim is unconscious and not breathing, as someone who is not trained in performing CPR, you will ________ A. Leave the victim until medical help arrives B. Perform a compression-only CPR D. Give water to the victim
4. A student slumped in your lecture theatre and began to have a seizure, what should you do as a student at the scene? A. Call for medical help and remove dangerous objects than can injure the victim B. Pour water on them C. Run away with the fear of being infected